Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Holy Crap!

Ladies, have you heard of this wonderful product called Poo-Pourri? Well if not, let me be the first to fill you in. First, let me say that this is not a subject that I like to talk about and if you know me, you are probably shocked at this post - LOL!!! Poo-Pourri is a liquid that you spray in the potty BEFORE you go #2, and it hides the oder so you can walk away from the bathroom with no shame:) P00-Pourri says it like this: "Spritz the bowl before you go and no one else will ever know"...kind of cute hu? It is not a room freshener and does not have a strong scent. I don't pretend to know how it work, but I just know that it does. My girlfriend Julie told me about this fabulous stuff and takes hers everywhere she goes. Julie even took it on a girls trip we had together, and she made sure to tell us,"please be discreet and use the Poo-Pourri if you are going to go the dreaded #2." Thanks Julie!!! I found my little bottle of Poo-Pourri at a boutique in Colleyville, Texas called the Pink Hanger. It's only 2 fl.oz., and the cost was $9.95 and worth every penny!!! I know you can find this stuff in many places, but if you can't find it at a store or boutique near you check out, www.poopourri.com or call this Dallas number (972)818-8200. I love this stuff so much that I am thinking of getting one for all my bathrooms and one to travel with...YEP, I like it that much:) Now, if we could only make every man carry a bottle of Poo-Pourri with him at all times, the world would be a fresher place!
Here's to being discreet!!!


  1. OMG do you know how many ladies in college wouldn't have had to miserably "HOLD IT' for an entire weekend getaway or ever so indiscreet sleepover if only they'd had this in their purse! thanks for keepin ya gals in the "i didn't poop" loop! you have some other great stuff on here too! Have you heard of lifys? look into it. they are great for gals who had babes and their "gals" dont lift on their own anymore!

  2. I'm trying to google Lifys and having no luck, you have a site for me??? Thanks for the info, I will look into it!
